Apologies for my radio silence on Newgrounds. Basically, I had to go to the ER late last month, and a few days in the future, I am getting a major abdominal surgery. It turns out that, for years, I have had something inside me that was not supposed to be there. This explains a lot, honestly. Doctors say it's probably not cancer, and from looking at the CAT scans, I don't think it's cancer either, but we can't just leave it be, because it is quite large and causing me discomfort. We need to do a biopsy to be 100% sure it's not cancerous. So, I need a surgery to remove it, then they will do a biopsy. I will be out of work for about 6 weeks after this procedure.
I'm frustrated because my life was comfortable for once, and then this happened. I got into a whole routine that made me happy, and it is now disrupted. It is also quite uncommon for this condition to be to this intensity, so I feel very alone. And my body looks so strange and scary with this thing in me that is trying to crush all my organs. This is quite senseless and I don't really see a silver lining here. But, I will be ok. I have insurance, great doctors, an excellent support system, and a great job I love that will not fire me for having to get a surgery. I'm just frustrated that this is even a problem at all. I want my life back.
I guess when I'm recovering from the surgery, I'll be able to work on Silent more? I don't know. This thing will still be out when it's out, at least be assured of that! I'm happy to be making this. I am also working on making my website more exciting to be on! Right now it's kind of a mess (as always) and the only accessible thing besides the main page is the ltsprogress page where I post sneak peeks of assets from the game. But you can kind of see what will be there in the future! I will be happy to share my new creations for the site with yall, and of course, the game, when it is finished!
(Also, I have an ebike now! I'm very happy about that, my joints feel so much better and I'm not overexerting myself doing basic errands anymore. π)
Thanks for hanging around, even with my extremely inconsistent posting. I appreciate yall! I will keep everyone updated on what's going on.
You have a wonderful day/night, see you around! π
- John Maduin
TLDR: Need major abdominal surgery, will be ok, probably not cancer but we will check. Am updating site to be very cool and awesome sometime in the future. LISA The Silent is still releasing eventually. Have a great day/night, thank you for sticking around!